I grew up in a small town called Rincón, which is the furthermost town toward the west of the island of Puerto Rico. Given that the area is known for its beach community and tourism, this eclectic cultural exchange provided the opportunity for me to become bilingual in English and Spanish from a very young age. As of recent, I have been learning to speak German with hopes of one day pursuing a master's degree in Germany. Since my teenage years, I have been skateboarding in my spare time and said activity helped me grow as an individual in a collective setting. I believe it was through these experiences that I started orbiting around creative fields and experimenting with various art and design fields. Among other hobbies I enjoy in my spare time are sketching, woodworking, and snorkeling between others.
In my academic experience, I obtained a B.Arch from the Pontificial Catholic University of Puerto Rico, School of Architecture. However, before this achievement, I studied graphic design at the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico but decided to transfer to architecture in pursuit of a more challenging and fulfilling career. At Present, I have 1+ years of work experience in architecture, engineering, and other related fields. During this time, I have worked mostly on residential, educational, and road infrastructure projects. Additionally, I have carried out several projects of various scopes as a freelance designer since 2010. Currently, I am on the path towards AXP completion, with over 45% of the required hours approved. Going forward, I am currently seeking new opportunities to hone and expand my skillset throughout the journey of becoming a licensed Architect.